Tag Archives: Life Insurance

How Did Life Insurance Come Into Origin?

Posted on: January 13th, 2011 by Peter Choma

The History of Life Insurance






The History of Life Insurance can be traced back some 5000 years ago. There weren’t any documents to support the insurance policies, but there were still ways to promote it. The definition of insurance is to have coverage against a risk and if someone wants to protect one’s life, he/she can purchase the life insurance policy.

The first of all the life insurance policies

The concept of life insurance can be traced back to China some 5000 years ago. Insurance as in then was protection against pirates at sea. The way to protect a ship from falling into the hands of pirates was to allow other ships to carry the cargos of different ships so that if a ship was attacked by pirates,

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Canadian Life Insurance Brokers

Posted on: December 8th, 2010 by Peter Choma

Canadian Life Insurance Brokers

Canadian Life Insurance Brokers are professionals who specialize in providing insurance policies from various insurance companies. The main difference between a broker and an agent is that the agent sells insurance from a single company. On the other hand,  a broker represents multiple companies. This allows a broker to provide more options to find you the most suitable coverage at the best rates.

Licensing in Canada

In Canada, each province is responsible for specific licensing requirements for brokers. Thus, the province regulates and monitors the market to insure that fair and ethical practices are being followed. A Canadian life insurance broker is a particular type of broker who specializes only in life insurance.

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Protect Your Family

Posted on: October 19th, 2010 by Peter Choma

Your top priority if you have dependants is to ensure that they are protected financially if you were to die or be unable to work for a prolonged period. Here we concentrate on the role that life insurance can play in your financial plan.

Bear in mind that not only the loss of a breadwinner’s salary could cause financial hardship: if you are caring for children, your spouse or partner might need to pay for professional childcare and/or babysitters if you were to die.

Similarly, you should take into account any extra costs of running the home, maintaining the garden, and so on. A nation-wide government survey found that housework, still done mainly by women today,

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